Friends of the Welsh Harp

Friends of the Welsh Harp

Tree walks at the Welsh Harp

Free tree walks at the Welsh Harp this summer led by conservation arboriculturalist and ecologist Russell Miller.

Please see CRT's eventbrite to register.

Russell is an independent professional ecologist and arboriculturalist. He specialises in veteran tree ecology, tree pathology, bees and other pollinators as well as teaching and community engagement. He has been chair of the Ancient Tree Forum for 5 years, founded Tree Musketeers (2003) and Sustainable Hackney (2010). He also led conservation weeks for Trees for Life in the Scottish Highlands for 15 years.

Russel Miller on a guided walk with a group of people
Credit: FOWH

Previous walks have included:

  • Trees after storms

  • Tree identification

  • Native bees

  • Urban Ecology

  • Veteran Tree Habitats

  • Welsh Harp's Pinetum

We are grateful to the Canal and River Trust for sponsoring these walks.